Monday, October 5, 2009

Sanitizer everywhere

Thank You President Bullock!

H1N1 is out and about, hitting local schools. I haven't heard of any cases here at SCCC, but that doesn't mean that we are in the clear. Unfortunately, the regular flu season is just beginning and we may come into contact with the H1N1 at anytime (it appears to be in season year-round).

But, I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know. It's on the news just about every 9 minutes

My point, therefore, is not to give you a news report but, to recognize the staff who have been attentive to this infectious germ meandering around the Capital District. They have purchased and placed hand sanitizer throughout the school. It is no longer just for the secretary's/employee's use, but rather all students are encouraged to participate in this "Antibacterial Movement".

Keep yourself safe!
-If you can't clean/disinfect your work station before use, wash your hands immediately after, especially when using a computer. There are hand sanitizing stations in the Computer Lab and in most of the common areas of the College. They are there for your use; so, use them. If their empty let security or maintenance know.

-There are signs posted all over the College in restrooms and common areas reminding everyone to cover their face when you cough, sneeze, etc. These are helpful reminders-- OBEY them. People around you will be glad that you did.

-Stay Home if you are sick. I know, I hate to miss school, work, or any of my responsibilities; however, I just got over a cold myself and stayed home. I was able to get better faster and my classmates and co-workers were glad in didn't share my germs with them.

Another thing, people might look at you like you've got the plague if they see that you are sick around them. I have seen teachers basically kick their students out of class for being ill. If you don't feel well, spare yourself the embarrassment and stay home.

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