Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Open Letter To the Four Year Private College Students who owe more than $40,000 in loans

Even with financial aid and scholarships, the average debt associated with a four-year private school education comes in at around $40,000. My calculations are based on my own two years at The College of Saint Rose; I have borrowed $24,000 to date.

During my first few years of college at SCCC, I didn't owe a cent. Actually, I got paid to go to school. Now, not everyone had the same experience as I did; I was eligible for all the State and Federal aid available. Getting my A.S. at SCCC was the best decision for my wallet.

Yeah, I know what you're probably thinking... You don't get the same 'experiences' that we Private School Students get from living on Campus.

Well, we're working on that here at SCCC. This is what our future dorms will look like.

Don't worry four year private school students, all you'll have to do is...

- pay $300 a month and have it paid off in 134 months, or just over 11 years.
-pay around $500 a month and pay off the loan in 80 months, or about 6 1/2 years.

Whatever your budget, you should be able to pay off your loans by the time your ready to retire.

What can be done with 40K

49k could purchase about 45 new computers for a school

You could sponser 110 children for an entire year at Feed the Children

Or you could act like the rich and famous and buy a Tiffany & Co Platinum 27.08ct Diamond Sapphire Bracelet

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