Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Monday: Day 1 of Commons invasion

So, yesterday was the first day of my three day post-up in the Commons, and it showed me several sides of SCCC that I hadn't before taken the time to notice.

I setup shop not knowing how exactly I was going to go about this "Thanksgiving-SAB promoting-iPod-Nano-raffleing event." But I decided to go with the flow.

First I layed out the Thanksgiving themed table cloth, a pumpkin, some quarter flyers with SAB meeting times and location, colouring handouts with pilgrim turkeys, little Indian boys with bowls... Let me spare you the discription and today I will take a picture and you can just see the display for yourself.

Anyway, I noticed that once some of students saw the raffel tickets, they would imediately approach the table to find out what was going on. I asked them what they were thankful for. The most popular responses were:

1) Everything
2) Life
3) Friends and Family

If they added something that they were thankful for, I would give them a raffle ticket for participating in an SAB event. I told them that each SAB event that they participated in would earn them another chance at winning the iPod Nano. I gave them the quarter flyer and they would put it in their pocket, sign the poster board, and fill out the raffle ticket.

When students responded with a duplicate response for our "We Are Thankful For..." poster, I would ask them to think a little more and be more specific.
One of the students in his chef uniform told me that he was thankful for life. I told him yes, we have that here and pointed to where it was written. "Is there anything else that you can think of that you are thankful for?" I asked.
He told me that he had almost died and that was why he was really thankful for life. I asked him what happened and he told me about how he went down a steep hill on his mountain bike, hit a parked car, and had to go to the hospital. I asked him what saved him, and his reply: "My strong ass head."
And, there you have it. "My Strong (minus the ass part) head" was added to our posterboard.

We have a meeting today, I wonder if any new students will show up. Last week we had none. And to make matters worse and rub it in a little more, there was another club in our meeting room. A club with about 40 members.

There are a couple of clubs on campus that can draw in big groups of students. I assume that this is because they are geared towards distinctive populations. Once you can identify with a social group, you are more apt to actively participate. I know this to be true because I am currently researching how these social groups work on the Web. Studies have proven that joining these groups actually builds self-concept.

Speaking of self-concept. While I observed the comings and goings of students in between their classes, I overheard a horrible thing. I really wanted shake this girl and find out what the hell her problem was. She was teasing a disabled student about that student's disability. I only caught the end of what she was saying, but it was obvious that her intentions were not helpful but rather, hurtful.

These are college students! This is not high school anymore. How the hell can someone be so childish and mean.

I was angry.

I think that I could talk more about some of the things that I saw and heard yesterday, but I have got to get back downstairs for Day 2 of my Commons Invasions"

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